Websphere Training in Bangalore
- The WebSphere family
- Various WAS editions
- The J2EE Platform
- What is new in WAS 7.0
Architecture, Component, Installation & Configuration
- Understanding of Server profiles
- Base Server architecture and components
- WAS ND architecture and components
- Installation of WAS ND – GUI & Silent
- Manage Profiles
- Cells, Nodes, Clusters
- Topologies for best practices
Administrative Console
- Where the console resides
- Navigating the GUI Configure
- Application server
- Install & Configure Web Server
- Web server plug-in
- Single cell configurations
Server Environments
- Single cell configurations
- Multiple cell configurations
- Multiple cell configurations
- Mixed node versions in a cell
Deploying and configuring Enterprise applications
- Overview of Enterprise application
- Deploying and configuring Enterprise applications
- Setting up resources
- Application server properties
- Web container properties
- EJB container properties
Distributed Servers and Repositories
- Network deployment(WAS-ND)
- Creating cells
- Federating nodes
- Configuration repositories
- Repository: Cell, Nodes, Servers
- Repository: deployment manager
- Job manager
- Administrative agent
- Managing remote Web servers
Clusters and Topologies
- Creating clusters
- Replication
- Adding servers to clusters
- Cluster management
- Network dispatcher
- Vertical scaling
- Horizontal scaling
- Multi clustering
Administering Security
- Global Security overview
- Administrative security
- Configuring User registries and repositories
- Custom registry security
- Local OS Level security
- File-based Federated Repository
- Mapping roles to users and groups
- Application security
- SSL administration
Troubleshooting and Monitoring
- Performance Monitoring Infrastructure
- Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV)
- Performance monitoring Servlet
- Console messages
- Trace facility
- Log analyzer
Scripting Tools
- Bean Scripting Framework
- Mbeans
- wsadmin
- Jacl scripting
- Configuring wsadmin
- wsadmin objects
- Advanced wsadmin